The Candle Project
With a heavy heart our mother, Neshi Rodin has passed away. Our mother had a fervor for Torah and bringing Judaism to all Jews, from far and wide. Here at Chabad on Campus Karmiel, we are honored to continue her legacy.
With this, we are starting a Candles for Shabbos and Minyan Program LZecher Nishmas
This ones for you Mom

The Shabbos Candles Project
Join millions of Jewish women around the world each week to light Shabbat Candles. This mystical mitzvah, continued since our Matriarch Sarah has given light to the Jews for 1000s of years.
More than the Jews have protected the Shabbat, Shabbat has protected the Jews
Rashi on Parshat Vayekel
Register to Light Candles
Give the Gift of Light , Donate to The Shabbat Candles
The Minyan
Prayer is and has always been at the heart and soul of the Jewish people. From the time that our Patriarchs Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov established to the very words we say today.
Lzecher Nishmat, let's come together today and make a minyan as a remembrance for our mother Neshi.
Register for the Minyan
Donate to Write a Sefer Torah and a Jewish Library